I called this little girl stickers for a few days after this one. While playing alone one day not long ago, she found a whole sheet of sticker that were Jon Jon's, and proceeded to put them all over herself. So of course, I had to take a picture of her to send to mommy at work! I find that the Lord uses my kids as a comic relief for me on days when I need it. Have you ever had one of those days when everything seems to go wrong? If you had 4 kids, you would! Well, I have those day at least once a week, I know, hard to believe, but it does happen. In those times I sometime forget to send out a distress signal to the Lord for help. And when I do, sometimes it seems like the Lord doesn't answer because the day doesn't get any better. Sometimes I even end up blaming him for it! I know it's sacrilege! Or is it really? I agree with Vince Antonucci, who spoke at Elim on Dec. 30th of 2007, when he said, "sometimes you have to go ahead and pray X, or R, rated prayers to God. (Click on his name to hear this sermon.) God doesn't want our "nice" prayers all the time. He really wants to know what you are thinking. He knows your thoughts anyway so why not be honest with him? Anyway, On those days when I think God doesn't care about my day, one of my kids will do or say something so funny that I almost fall over onto the floor! Or they'll do something so kindhearted that it makes me cry to think of it. FYI, if you are reading this and you don't know me really well, I cry a lot more than a normal man. That doesn't make me less of a man, in fact I think that makes me more of a man. Anyway, one day I was having one of those days and was being a little harsh with the kids (verbally) and Jonathan took a bunch of snowmen things and arranged them on the table and put on some Christmas music in the kitchen because he knows how much I love that. Then with teary eyes, he came to me just as I was realizing what he had done for me and asked if I liked it and that broke my bad day and turned it good. (And made me cry.) Then I realized that that was the Lord caring for me on those days when I didn't think he cared. This next picture happened just as I was writing this post so I snapped a pic. No, I'm not having one of those days today in case you're wondering. I just thought this was cute. Notice that she is shopping and wearing Carter's shoes. This girl already has more shoes that I do and she wears more shoes in one day than I have!
I just noticed that she has the same outfit on in both pictures! Yes she has more clothes than that! These pictures were taken weeks apart. Ha Ha!
Well, that's enough rambling for one day. Besides my honey is going to be home any minute and I like to greet her at the door, tell her I love her, and give her a big kiss. ;)
1 comment:
Hey Jeff!!!
I am glad that you have a blog now. I should be writing in mine soon. There are alot of things going on with us.
Love in Christ!
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