Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fun Day!

Don't you just love it when everything works out to a point that your days work is done early? I do. Today the kids were done with their homeschool by 10AM! So I was able to get all my laundry, dishes, and picking up done by noon! So that left time for what I call a "fun day." It was a very safe day also as you can see all the Superheros that were here to protect us. One of the Superheros has 3 identities!

Well, needless to say, the kids had a ball. We watched a movie, cooked lunch together, and the boys played to their hearts content! I just love days like this one was. When I'm delighting in my kids it reminds me of how much the Lord delights in me when I spend time with him. And sometime guilty for not spending that time with him if I've been lax with my time. I am glad to say that I have started doing a couples devotional book with my wife before she goes to work and a family one with the kids and Lori if she's hasn't gon to work yet. this has proven to be a rewarding experience.

Today lexy tried a new food delicacy. A dog treat. You can see a little bit under her lip. When asked if it was good, she replied, "Yes!" Unfortunately for her, I put the dog treats out of her reach. So she can't have any more. And in other news, Carter got his finger stepped on and came to show it to me and he wanted me to take a picture. Okayyyy.......... Here it is. Sorry if it offends but he really was hurt and wanted me to take a picture. He didn't mean anything by it.

Well, I think that's enough for today...unless something funny happens and I have my camera handy!

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