Saturday, January 23, 2010

Don't you just love to reap the benefits of Homeschooling?........No, I don't mean to say that homeschooling is rewarding, though it is, I mean to say that projects like this one Carter had to do for his art class are a great benefit. I think it turned out very well, don't you? In fact, I have tasted and have seen that it is good. So you see, homeschooling is awesome! This is my favorite cake and frosting too. German chocolate cake with coconut pecan frosting. Mmmmmmmmm so good! I ask for it every year for my birthday.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Tree Nest

I know, I know, I don't post often enough. But when I do, it's worth it right? Anyway, I'm only here because last year I posted pictures of a birds nest we found in our Christmas tree and this year as I was taking our Christmas tree down, (because enough needles fell of,) I saw another one! Can you believe this...2 years in a row! I know what your thinking, "they are just taking down their tree!" Yes it's true. We were very busy and didn't get to it. But, I digress enjoy the pic's. I know, I'm a loser. I don't post for almost 4 months and when I do it's just pictures of a nest. Haha.