Well, here we are finally at the last kids birthday of the year. Oh wait, we still have mine and I'm still a kid, right? Anyway as you can see, Lexy got a kitchen set. Along with far too many utensils and things. I say that because it's too many when she can't figure out what to do with it all come time to clean up and I end up doing it.
Gramma got her a princess nightgown that she truly loves and wants to wear all the time. Thanks

A while ago, Lexy picked out a ring in
Walmart while we were getting a watch battery changed. We tried to show her other rings but she only wanted that one. Well we had no plans to buy the ring, but she had other plans and cried all the way out of the store. Well Daddy can't let his little girl cry so I saw an opportunity when her birthday came up to get it for her. And I did! Aren't I such a good Daddy?
She also got her first Barbie doll. She took it out of the package, and proceeded to brush her hair. Which messed it up and ruined the way it was pulled back. Oh well, I guess that's what girls do.
We got Lexy a kids Mp3 player because there's 3 songs she always asks for and frankly, we're sick of them. 2 from Toby Mac, Boomin, and Tru Dog. The 3rd is from Isaiah 6, Like A Freak. (Sorry Derek, but 50 times a day would make you sick of your own song.) So I put these songs on there and she can listen to her hearts content!

If it works, here is a video of her dancing to her tunes! Sorry, no sound.
Didn't she have a lovely cake made by Lori. Luv u honey!

Well, I think the smiles have it! She loved her 3rd Birthday. So did I! I love you Lexy!

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