Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My creative wife
Charles Dickens village at Skaneateles
Friday, November 7, 2008
Happy 40th birthday to me! Yippie! :(......:)
This one was on the bathroom mirror. The first thing I see in the morning.
Friday, October 24, 2008
A clean room!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Lexy's Birthday
She also got her first Barbie doll. She took it out of the package, and proceeded to brush her hair. Which messed it up and ruined the way it was pulled back. Oh well, I guess that's what girls do.
We got Lexy a kids Mp3 player because there's 3 songs she always asks for and frankly, we're sick of them. 2 from Toby Mac, Boomin, and Tru Dog. The 3rd is from Isaiah 6, Like A Freak. (Sorry Derek, but 50 times a day would make you sick of your own song.) So I put these songs on there and she can listen to her hearts content!
If it works, here is a video of her dancing to her tunes! Sorry, no sound.
Didn't she have a lovely cake made by Lori. Luv u honey!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Four Mile Creek Campground
All I can say is, this trip lived up to our expectation! It was awesome! It was an awesome time, with awesome weather. Thank you Jesus, for an awesome week!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Peace and harmony
Thursday, August 28, 2008
These two spiders were in my back yard behind a shed where we have a strawberry patch. The first one was having lunch when we dropped by. The second one was just hangin out.
You know, they may make you say, "ewwww," but when you think about it, God is pretty amazing. I mean, look at the patterns of the color on these spiders. They are beautiful in that sense. Aren't they?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
We've got pee ladies and gentlemen!
Anyway, I'm just happy she finally did it. and after doing it once, it was easier to do the next time so later that day she did it again. Now I'm thrilled! But of course this is all because I had her sit there for a while. I wonder when she will decide to do it on her own? That's when I will get really exited. Oh well, enough ranting I'll let you get back to your normal life. Besides, after hear all about that pee, you've probably got to go yourself
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Carter's birthday party
JonJon's Birthday
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
By the way, Email me what you think of the music on my blog now? If you don't like it, scroll to the bottom of the page and you can stop it there or change the song if you would like.
P.S. Lori says it's annoying, but I like it.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Just something funny
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Lord's mercies are new every morning! Amen!
I just thought I'd share this for all fathers. You haven't screwed fathering up so bad that you can't fix it. You still have time. So this Father's Day, lets all make a pact to become better Father's. After all, we owe them at the very least the effort of striving to be better, right? I know I'm gonna keep trying to get better and better at fathering because I have a great bunch of kids who deserve way more than I'm giving them right now!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Kids say the darndest things!
I hope this blog has brightened your day. Sometimes I forget what's important in life and I lose focus and take myself and life to seriously. Then something like this happens and snaps me back to reality. I think the Lord puts things like this in my path to show me what he delights in, in order for me to stay focused on him. Anyway, just a short note to encourage the downhearted and the bubbly, happy people also, to just lift your day no matter what you're feeling today. come on and admit it, it made you at least smile!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Dog Lover!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Mitchell's Birthday!
We started out ,as my wife put it, boring. We got him a shirt...
and shorts....