Those of you that know me know that I have an outdated computer, hey we all do after a week of owning one. But recently I purchased a brand new laptop with Windows Vista on it. So, it has taken me a while to learn the operating system but in the process, I found the built in
web cam and did some playing around with it. The following pictures are of said playing around.

Every Father Loves to have his kids near him.
Weather in spirit or body.

I've heard of having a split personality but this is crazy! Oh come on, we all have conversations with ourselves.

I wish I had a brain big enough to need a head like these two pic's, but the truth is that if our head grew to the size we needed to hold our brains, my head would look more like...

At church I work under an awesome Pastoral team who also happens to be my friends :) Hi Seth and Tarah! I need 2 heads to keep up with Seth. Hey, everyone knows 2 heads are better than one. Anyway, now because of technology, I finally have 2 heads to work with!
Seriously though...

I 'm just a goofball at heart! Well, I gotta go for now. Gotta go to church and put together a ping-pong table for the
kidz. Can I just tell you, I joke about what I do at church, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! These
kidz are the future missionaries, preachers, children's pastors, youth pastors, presidents, and last but not least, world changers, history makers, children of God!
(Do I get credit for remembering that phrase Seth?)